Slot Strategy Experts

Slotwise Consulting is a leading aviation consultancy specialising in slot strategy. We empower airlines, airports, and aviation stakeholders to achieve their commercial objectives through innovative solutions and expert advice.

01. Strategic

Moving from short-term scheduling to long-term asset optimisation, strategic planning is at the heart of what we do.

02. Commercial

Aspiring to deliver commercially-optimum schedules, route economics sit behind each strategic recommendation.

03. Operational

Whilst recognising the operational constraints that shape commercial schedule optimisation.

Who we are

Sarah Whitlam

Managing Director

Sarah Whitlam founded Slotwise Consulting in 2020 with the desire to optimise slots as a strategic asset.

Prior to that, Sarah spent her career in commercial and planning roles for both airlines and airports.

As Head of Network Development at Heathrow Airport she enabled airlines to enter, grow and retime at an airport considered ‘full’.

With airline roles including including network planning at Air New Zealand and revenue management at Bmed/British Airways, she has a solid understanding of the route economics that sit behind schedule decisions.

Sarah has provided slot expertise to numerous committees, advising impact on matters including the Strategic Review of the WASG (Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines), Heathrow expansion and the London Olympics.


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