Unlocking aviation growth through slot strategy

Slotwise Consulting is a niche aviation consultancy specialising in slot strategy. Advising airlines, airports and other interested parties on slot policy and schedule optimisation to deliver commercial and strategic outcomes.
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Our Consulting Services

Slot Strategy for Airports

Advising airports on slot policy and capacity optimisation to support network strategies and commercial growth

Slot Strategy for Airlines

Removing the complexities of slot policy, slot trading and airport access to enable airlines to fly a commercially-optimum schedule

Slot Strategy for Other Stakeholders

Shaping slot policy and providing advice to governments, industry bodies and monitoring trustees



“Under Slotwise Consulting’s guidance, our slot function has gone from a liability to a strength. We are a more operable, profitable and efficient airline as a result.”

Eric Tanner, VP Network Planning

“ACI is grateful for Slotwise Consulting’s assistance in refining our slot policy initiatives. Their expertise and approach have significantly enhanced our policy and advocacy work.”

Philippe Villard, VP Economic Policy